about Rebecca aka Becky
When you first meet me, you’ll be greeted by a big smile—probably a hug too & maybe even an excited squeak!
I’m here to help you show up confidently as your true self—grounded, secure, and aligned with your purpose—and to understand what the fuck that even means and looks like in real life. Together, we’ll manifest the life you were always meant to live, in actionable and bite-sized steps.
By “your dream life”, I mean the one that goes beyond people-pleasing, external validation, and inherited beliefs. It’s the life where you embrace your true desires, not the ones you've been conditioned to want, where you really show up as the main character--in your damn power.
I know what it’s like to chase dreams that aren’t truly yours, to feel the disappointment when you realize you’ve been a confused squirrel chasing an empty nut and it's time to figure out what the next step is. Through years of deep healing work, I’ve learned that true transformation starts with energetically releasing old stories and beliefs (as well as knowing wtf they are to release them) to rewire those beliefs with ones that allow you to reconnect with and truly embody your authentic self. That’s when you can step fully into the life (and timeline) that’s meant for you.
It may sound complicated, but that’s exactly why I’m here: to simplify it for you. My mission is to guide you through this work and help you release old patterns so that you can have the capacity and self-worth to actually accept your desires when they come knocking at your door.
As the owner of Aquarius Hair & Healing, a Reiki Master, certified Life Coach, published author, & podcast host, I consider myself a forever student in this work and this life. We're never finished growing, evolving and connecting with others on deeper, and even cooler levels.
I’m here to help you not just transform your life but to give you the tools to keep moving forward, no matter what challenges or lessons life throws at you.
When I’m not working, you’ll find me buzzing down the road with my hubby on our golf cart, curled up with our senior cat Tony, or travelling the world for tasty food, sunsets, and "ooooh look at the moon" moments, all for my husband to respond without fail, "looks the same as it does at home, and every other time you make me stop to look at the moon."
I can’t wait to help you romanticize and squeeze out every last drop of this juicy life you’re here to live!
Becky xx