I wrote this blog post January 12th, 2018. I’ve made a few edits, but damn, is it ever still relevant.

Times are changing. It was a slow change, a strange change sometimes.. but now they are rapidly changing.
It's nice to see generations work on making a more positive, uplifting presence. There are more and more positive rallies for change and awareness. I'd like to go over a couple little things/emotions that this brings up inside me, that it may also bring up inside of you.
Let's talk about empowerment.
First off, go us! We are making a presence and it is STRONG. People are waking up to their true callings and just being straight up bad asses. We are finding more innovating ways to make our dreams happen, manage to manage families, all the things we've have been doing for years but somehow also way more, in the same twenty four hour days. There's more emphasis on respect, it's wonderful and so empowering.
Now, this obviously doesn't mean everyone. Of course, aside from all the humans building up other humans, there will always be the odd few that are late to joining the party. These are the confused, those who think they're building others up, maybe even taking to social media to "support" others while actually using it as a way to secretly or not so secretly put others down or get themselves ahead. The part of this I want you to remember, especially if you’ve been a victim of this hurt and are letting it get in the way of you being your fully empowered self, is that it may not necessarily be on purpose. A lot of the time these things happen simply due to subconscious beliefs, habits, insecurities and unhealthy patterns. It's definitely a very crummy thing to do, but try to remember that these people are just in a different stage of being human than you are. Their hearts are not yet filled with as much love and their souls are not as free. Do not let hurtful people bring you down. People are still standing strong, they are still kicking ass, and every gender (and species) has its bullies. Focus on your truth, surround yourself with those who truly support you and it’s often easier to find them by being truly supportive yourself.
Now let's talk (healthy) positivity.
Okay, going back to the peace rallies. Let's start off with a little quote from the beloved Mother Theresa, “I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.” This woman says it all right there. The more energy we put into something, whether it be for or against, we are still putting our energy into it. So using that example, if you are putting all of your energy into being "anti-war" you're still putting all of your thoughts and energy into "war". However, if you change that to "pro-peace" you're putting everything into peace. We are finally to a pretty proven state now where we know that thoughts become things, so we need to choose our thoughts wisely. We need to quit feeding into gossip; the fast food of conversation, negative comments and acts against others and ourselves, and focus on the positive. I'm not saying become a saint and pretend these things don't exist and put yourself down when they happen, just try your best to recognize them and avoid them. When we focus on all the great things we can do as a community, even a small community, the strength we have in numbers of awakened humans, and how beautiful life really can be, we’re able to step up, set the standard, and be the change we truly want to see.
Now, the world.
Whether you consider yourself to be old or young, noticing the bigger changes and picture or not, this is your time. Wherever you're at in your life, take a step back, and take a breath. The world moves so fast now. Everything is on social media and negativity is shoved down our throats quicker than we can even believe because that's how society is driven. The news tabloids give you the most recent number of tragedies before giving you anything positive because that's what gets the ratings. So try to remember that there ARE good people out there, there are people just like you that are trying to make a difference. Unplug if you have to, cut out the news for a while if you have to, regroup, recenter, and remember that you CAN make a difference. Your energy matters and is just as strong as any other single person on this planet. There is power in numbers, so the more you band together with like minded positive people, the more good you'll see in your life. Now, I know you're like, 'okay Becky, so now you're wanting me to change the world?' No, I'm just saying that you can change your world. Whatever situation you're living in, whatever you’ve been through that has brought you here, you’ve survived it all. You are totally capable of change and setting a new standard in your life. Like I said before, your energy is just as strong and you are just as worthy as any other human on this planet, regardless of status, age, gender, etc. You can.
You're a bad ass. There will always be darkness, but remember to stop and look at the blooming flowers and see the light. People can be harsh, but remember there are lots of good people out there to surround yourself with, even f you can only find one right now, focus on that beautiful relationship and allow it to help fuel the good in you. Some people are just lost and confused hoping to find the good, be the good, help them see that it exits. The media is very one sided, look to see the other side. Put your energy into positive things and your soul will be happy. Much love.
Your healing hairstylist,
Becky xx