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Life Path Reading

Gain clarity on your current life path, obstacles or dusruptions getting in the way of your progress and what steps you need to take to overcome them.

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Life Path Reading
Life Path Reading

Will be received within 7 days

Date and time is TBD

Distance Session Via Soul Permission

About the event

Are you ready to gain clarity on your current life path?

Through this reading, we tap into the main 3 aspects of your life path using pendulum dowsing. (Divination tool.)

We access this information by connecting with your Higher Self through what's called Soul Permission. This means that you aren't present physically or mentally during the reading, (meaning we fully bypass your ego,) to get answers from your Higher Self.

We then check to see if any disrupting factors are getting in the way of you living each aspect of your current life path to its full potential, what they are, if we can release them energetically, or what steps must be taken to move past them.

This reading does not tell you your future.

It's to help you gain clarity in the now, on your current path, to help you feel solid taking action to move forward on your journey.

Feeling that full body hell yes!?

Maybe the hairs on your arm raised when you read this?

Are your eyes watering?

Or maybe your intuition is just whispering, "it's time."

Then I'll see you on the other side of this reading!

All you have to do is purchase the reading using your best email and you'll receive your personalized reading/alllll the notes within 7 days.

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