Welcome Babe,
You're here because:
You know you were put here to make an impact and you’re ready to share your magic with the world.
You know it’s time to stand fully in your power, in your true self, and it’s time to be sure of who your true self is.
You’re a chain breaker. You’re here to break generational patterns and cycles of fear, lack or doubt, 7 generations back.
You know there’s more to life than what you’ve been told and have been living. You know you’re here for a reason and you’re ready to feel confident in what that reason is.
You know there’s more to the mundane. You’re ready to see and experience the magic in it.
You’re ready to clear out all the stories, beliefs and bullshit that have been clogging up your existence so that they’re able to step forward fully and confidently in your power.
You know it’s time. You know it’s time to level up and you can’t ignore it any longer.
Move with the Moon
Becky's newest published creation is a workbook that takes you on a three-lunar or menstrual cycle journey, illuminating your energetic flow and inner workings. Move with the energy of each moon phase (or menstrual phase) for a deep understanding of your needs, energy and confidence levels.
Becky's passion for this creation lies in discovering her own deep understanding of her cycle, what lights her up when and why, as well as what used to overwhelm and drain her energy.
This book explains the energetics of each phase, gives tips for navigating the energy, includes how to use it, why to use it, a daily journal practice, weekly deep dives, as well as phase reflections to really get to know your energy and tendencies. It also includes tear-out affirmation cards as well as every full and new moon for the entire astrological year with journal prompts.
Purchase in studio or on Amazon